Inpost Artspace Reception: Beatitude Studies: Recent Drawings by Titus O’Brien

The Inpost Artspace opens the Fall season with an exhibit of new work by Titus O’Brien. With these recent drawings, O’Brien constructs luminous designs overlaying mark and color reminiscent of arbors, mazes, and arabesque patterns. He states, “The drawings in this exhibition were conceived as studies for paintings intended to be called “Beatitudes.” The drawing process often has a heightened sense of investigation. Here, the concrete investigation is into how a series of game-like systems, shaped by an engaged intuition, are used to deploy line and color across a two-dimensional surface to compelling effect. The telos – the direction or meaning – of this labor is the desire to produce (both for the artist and viewer) a shift in attention that is in some way uplifting and settling, enlivening and reassuring. In other words, to express something true and good.” FREE!

Reception: Friday, September 7, 5 – 7pm
Exhibition Dates: September 4 – Saturday, October 27

Inpost Artspace Reception: Musicians Making Art

The Inpost Artspace announces its summer exhibit, Musicians Making Art, which is presented in conjunction with the 13th Annual New Mexico Jazz Festival. This exhibit connects the endeavors of music-making with those of creating visual art. The show features a wide range of styles and subject matter, including drawing, painting, and sculptural objects and highlights another side of our gifted New Mexico based music practitioners.  Featured, is work by bassists,Terry Bluhm, Christine Nelson & Susan Holmes; drummer, Cal Haines; brass players, Mark Weaver & Jonathan Baldwin; guitarist/vocalists, Claudio Tolouse, Armando Ortega & Mark Weber, and more.

Reception: Sunday, July 15th, 2018, 2-4pm | Exhibition: July 1 – August 26


Theta Scapes: New Paintings and Drawings by Jon Pearson

Jon Pearson is an artist from Des Moines Iowa who has lived in New Mexico for the last two years. His work recently has explored the dreamy terrains of the subconscious. Through recent solo shows such as Dream Chatter and Sandbox Therapy his visual work has developed to include abstracted landscapes derived from high desert mountain hikes and incorporates dream imagery and images from the subconscious mind. His recent body of work Theta Scapes is made in such a way to allow the imagination to implant in each painting a series of discoveries. Through layers and detail and continued viewing of each piece a narrative can be derived and related back to the title of each work.

Reception: Friday, May 11th, 2018, 5-7pm | Exhibition: April 30 – June 8

Exhibition may be viewed during the reception, Outpost performances, box office hours, (M-F 2-5:30pm), and by appointment.


ABQ Printmaking Exchange

The ABQ Print Club will host a portfolio exchange and exhibition at the Outpost Performance Space. The exhibit will feature original artwork by UNM Printmaking undergraduates and graduates, Tamarind Institute students, and local artists who use traditional processes such as woodcut, lithography, etching, and serigraphy. The exhibit will display the breath of editions that the artists print for the exchange.

Reception: April 6 (first Friday), 2018,  5-7pm | Exhibition: Monday, March 26th – April 27th, 2018

Exhibition may be viewed during the reception, Outpost performances, box office hours, (M-F 2-5:30pm), and by appointment.


WITH SPRINKLES | Drawings by Kate Wood

Developed from a daily drawing practice, With Sprinkles is an adaptation from “The Best Comic Book Ever,” an ongoing body of work from Albuquerque artist Kate Wood. Stricken with a chronic disease, Wood undertook a daily drawing practice to help pass the time while receiving medical attention, and as a way to accept her time spent in treatment. Compiled into 8 sketchbooks, to date, Wood will complete her 500th drawing on January 28th, 2018, coincidentally the day these drawings are installed at the Inpost Artspace. Her practice has developed into a sustained narrative that draws upon a large cast of colorful and amorphous creatures, functioning as symbols and allegory for greater personal themes of health and loss. The pieces in this exhibition focus on a few of the over 200 characters she has been developing, allowing them to explore a more specific narrative than that of her sketchbooks.

Kate Wood is an artist and a farmer, currently working in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has spent the past decade working in organic agriculture on the east coast, and was most recently the owner/operator of a small farm business in rural Illinois. Chronic health issues forced her to leave her chosen career, but brought her back to a daily art practice. Kate is deeply inspired and influenced by storytelling, folklore, comic books, mythology, and pattern.

Reception: Friday, February 2, 5 – 7pm | Exhibition Dates: January 29 – March 24, 2018

Exhibition may be viewed during the reception, Outpost performances, box office hours, (M-F 2-5:30pm), and by appointment.


The Outpost